Illinois State Poetry Society
To Join ISPS or Renew Membership
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About ISPS

To Join ISPS

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Welcome to ISPS! We hope that you will avail yourself of the many opportunities to share poetry with friendly and talented poets in a variety of venues and events.

Here are some benefits of ISPS membership:
  • Poetry critiques at chapter meetings via Zoom and at regular chapter meeting locations across Illinois
  • Annual poetry contest open to all poets with reduced submission fees for members
  • Annual poetry contest for high school and junior high students and anthology of winning poems
  • Monthly open mic and featured poets' readings at Brewed Awakening
  • Zoom workshops and poetry readings
  • Annual ISPS Book of the Year competition
  • Biannual anthology of members' poems
  • Scheduled website poetry publication of members' poems
  • Annual Poetry Month library displays and events
  • Ekphrastic exhibits with artist groups
  • Collaborative events with other organizations
  • Membership in the National Federation of State Poetry Societies (NFSPS) with reduced contest fees
  • Email news and bimonthly ISPS newsletter, plus Strophes, the quarterly NFSPS Newsletter
  • Free admission to ISPS seminars and online programs.

Residency in Illinois is not a requirement for membership.

To join or renew, please print, fill out, and mail one of the following forms:

Membership Form for 1 person

Membership Form for 2 people