Illinois State Poetry Society
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Other Sites

  • Amateur Poetry Anthologies: A Guide to Finding Your Published Poems (Library of Congress)

  • Arizona State Poetry Society
    The Arizona State Poetry Society (ASPS), established in 1966, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational and literary organization dedicated to the art of poetry.

  • Books by G. C. Rosenquist
    Interviews, short stories, and poems.

  • The Chicago Poetry Center
    An independent not-for-profit arts organization founded in 1974, The Chicago Poetry Center's mission is to promote poetry through readings, workshops, residencies and arts education, to make poetry accessible to the general public, to stimulate and encourage young poets, and to advance the careers of poets by offering them professional opportunities. The Poetry Center is in residence at the Chicago Cultural Center.

  • Georgia Poetry Society
    Founded in 1979 for the purpose of bringing into community poets and poetry lovers in the state of Georgia. If you are passionate about poetry, you’ve found the right place!

  • Highland Park Poetry
    Highland Park Poetry, begun in 2007, sparks poets with annual poetry challenges, special contests and opportunities for publication in online Muses' Gallery and printed anthologies. Highland Park Poetry offers regular poetry events and readings.

  • National Federation of State Poetry Societies The National Federation of State Poetry Societies (NFSPS) is a non-profit organization, exclusively educational and literary. Its purpose is to recognize the importance of poetry with respect to national cultural heritage. It is dedicated solely to the furtherance of poetry on the national level and serves to unite poets in the bonds of fellowship and understanding.

  • Noon Out of Nowhere - Collected Poems of Alan Harris
    If you're ready and willing to reach beyond the outer as far as the inner, you're invited to spend some time in this oasis of poems and ideas.

  • Orbis
    Quarterly International Literary Journal (UK)

  • Poem-a-Day Websites
    This link brings up a list of links to websites that publish a new poem each day. Copy and paste the link into your browser's address bar and hit Enter. (Thanks to Wilda Morris for compiling this list.)

  • The Poetry Resource
    Here you will find links to poets working all over the world and in all ranges of craft and styles.

  • Poets & Patrons
    Founded in 1954, Poets & Patrons is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting poetry development in the Chicagoland area.

  • Donna Pucciani, Poet
    A blog archive of her books, journals, and poems.

  • The Reading Club
    The Reading Club is a UK website containing over 60 articles written by experts who continually update and add new content. Some of the site's articles deal with organizing book clubs and poetry clubs.

  • Rhyming Dictionary Online
    Find rhymes, synonyms, definitions, and more!

  • Wilda Morris's Poetry Challenge
    You are invited to write a poem responding to the prompt, and to submit it by the 15th of the month for possible publication on the blog.

  • A Year of Being Here
    Daily mindfulness poems with an option for weekly e-mailings. It also has a very large archive of poems by famous poets as well as relatively unknown poets.